School Ethos
St. Augustine’s N.S. is a co-educational school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Galway. We operate under the Department of Education and Science Guidelines and the school is committed to the aims and principles of the revised (1999) primary schools curriculum.
The work of the school is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious differences. The admission policy of the school welcomes those of other faiths or none to become pupils.
St. Augustine’s N.S. is a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected – irrespective of gender, social or ethnic background, family circumstances, religion, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning.
It celebrates the uniqueness of each child as expressed in each child’s personality, intelligence and potential for development. The school seeks to nurture the child in all dimensions of his or her life – spiritual, oral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical.
The school sees itself as an integral part of the parish and has strong links with the local community. Children of parents who so wish are prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in accordance with arrangements in the diocese. Pupils attend and take part in services in the local Church and the Parish Priest visits the school on a regular basis.
St. Augustine’s N.S. is a community where moral values such as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others and civic responsibility are nurtured and protected.
Our relationships are based on respect and dignity for each person – child, parent, teacher, principal, B.O.M. member, secretary, caretaker, cleaner and visitor to the school.
The school will encourage the involvement of parents through home/school contacts.
Our aim is to continue to work in partnership with parents, and the wider community to ensure the best interest of each child is provided for.
Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.
The school motto is: Tá gach duine speisíalta

- We have 2 full time mainstream teachers and 1 SEN teacher
- More one-on-one attention from the teacher
- Great foundation learning guaranteed
- Tailored instruction to meet the needs of individual students
- Small school = big benefits for your child
- Highly entertaining annual Christmas concerts